What Jeeps are For...

Do you ever wish that all your problems would just load up in a little red Jeep and drive away?


Certain people 'suggested' that I should clean out my car. 

Specifically this person:

Not the one sleeping off the Benadryl bender but the other. 

This guy also might have suggested it. 

Not my nephew, although he totally would have had he seen the condition of the car.


I'm not sure my Dad has much room to talk because just between me and you my Dad's car is a mess!

His mess though is all wood shavings and tools and bottles of caulk. 

My mess is all McDonald's wrappers and dried Play Doh. 

Well, that and socks and shoes and Target bags and any and all manners of strangeness.

It can be totally clean one day and the next day it can have enough stuff in it to keep the cast from The Walking Dead safe for weeks. 

It's really just crazy talk. 

But no worries!

I totally cleaned my car out yesterday!


I cleaned everything out.

I mean...

I might have just transferred it from my car to this car:

But hey!

Stay Puft was clean!


That little red jeep has had weirder stuff in it than book bags and shoe boxes. 

Ya know....

Weird Stuff like this:


It was clean alright!

"We don't call that cleaning"


Let's just take our victories where we can find them.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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