The Other Time I Took My Kids to the Dentist...

Last night I blogged about how I told my kids they were going to the dentist when actually they were going to Disney World.

It's actually not the first time I've done that. 

Three years ago my oldest minion was enrolled in a summer soccer program that started at 8 am. 

I'm still wondering why I thought this was a good idea. 

I had dragged him out of bed on the third day when I had a 'Come to Jesus' meeting with myself.

Every so often those meetings need to be held. 

This one entailed me asking the following questions:

Why am I getting him up in the summer when I don't have to?

Why am I letting a six year old dictate our family's schedule?

and mostly

Wouldn't it be better if we were at the beach right now?

At this point I called my parents who were conveniently at the beach and told them to get read because we were crashing their party. 

Here is the conversation I had with the boys:

"Mommy has a lot of errands to run today. We are going to be in the car ALL DAY LONG running errands so make sure you bring a book and a toy to entertain yourself."

And that was that. 

I told you yesterday my kids would believe anything I told them. 

We were in Montgomery...

Montgomery! Four hours away!

...before the first child said 'these errands sure are taking a long time."

I mean...

I wasn't stopping at all. What did they think I was doing? 

Did they not notice that I wasn't doing anything but driving? 

Kids are such...goobers.

As we got on to the MidBay Bridge that takes you into Destin James asked me 'what's that big blue spot on the map?' 

And in one of those perfect timing moments that life occasionally gives you my car then crested up high enough on the bridge so that the kids could clearly see the ocean. 

"Is that...the ocean?"

"Are we at...the beach?"

Imagine the Hallelujah chorus being sung at this moment.

Happy chaos ensued. 

I blamed it on my car.

"I didn't drive us to the beach! Stay Puft* did! It was all Stay Puft's fault!"

Is there anything better than being at the beach with kids?


Actually, yes. 

There is something better. 

Being at the beach without kids is pretty dang great. 

"Take that back, Woman!"

* My car is named Stay Puft. It is white and looks kinda puffy. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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