Screen Capture...

This week we are going to need to add something to the ever growing list of:

"Things I'm Not Technologically Capable of Doing"

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Let me introduce you to the Screen Capture.

For those of you without iPhones the screen capture is this wildly useful tool that let's you take a picture of whatever is on the screen of your phone at the time. 

My Mom is capable of it. 

My husband is capable of it. 

At this point I thing even a zombie is capable of it. 

I, however, am not. 

Why is it important?

Well, it's not of course. 

You're reading a dang blog. It's not ancient Chinese literature.


Well, tonight I was going to blog about things I've had to search for on the Internet lately and I was going to use ye olde screen capture to take a picture of my list. 

But no. 

So I'll just tell you about it. 

Hmmm...Now the temptation to lie is starting. 

I could always say I was looking up things way cooler than I actually did...

Wait! Am I typing this out loud?!

Here we go:

The Things I've Searched For on Google List:

1) The Walking Dead 

I made the mistake of starting this series on Netflix one night at 11 pm. 

I watched the entire season in one night. 

This prompted the next search:

2) Historical basis for zombies

Should I be as scared of zombies as I am? 

Google says no! Thank you, Google. 

3) Eat This Not That Johnny Rockets

Yeah, so it's not that easy to eat healthy at Johnny Rockets. 

I mean, you would have thought that those fries with that hunk of cheese melted on them would have been healthy, right?

"No, you wouldn't"

4) Morecambe

I'm playing Words With Friends right now with a character from Morecambe, England.

 I googled it to see what it was like. 

Know thine enemy and all that. 

You can just call me Sun Tzu.

5) How to screen capture

Thanks for nothin' Google. I still can't do it. 

6) Travelogue

I used to go to these...






...Travelogues with my parents. 

Some dude would stand up and tell about his recent trip to Bavaria or some such while showing his pictures and videos. I stinkin' loved those things. 

They still do them. So I was checking when they were going to be held so I could inflict them introduce them to the eight year old.

Lastly I looked up:

7) How to Bowl

Kids, I'm bad. 

I mean, seriously, awful.

I took this one the other night. 

I scored a 67. 

This was with the bumpers up. 

I don't know. 

I mean...

Really, it's not a surprise. 

If I can't figure out the screen capture how can I figure out the fundamentals of bowling?

I do love those shoes though.

For anyone left over from yesterday's Auburn post here are some other things I've had to say about Auburn. 

I was going to link them all and then I realized I'd written eight pages worth of blogs about Auburn. 

So, here is your assignment:

See the thing at the left that says 'search this blog'?

Type Auburn in and you can read to your hearts content. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. We were on the road at 5:15 this morning. Just read the blog and realized I was smiling before it even opened. Your blog is a good thing as our friend Martha would say!

  2. I needed one more PE credit in college so I took bowling at Calhoun! It was AWESOME! We played 2 games every day of the week for six weeks. You can imagine the kind of highly motivated, career oriented individuals who were also in this class with me. I got pretty good, though...that college education was totally worth it (though I've since lost all my skills).

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