A story about Toomers...

So by now the news is out that the oak trees at Toomer's Corner in Auburn have been poisoned and aren't likely to survive.  

Auburn is a small town and Toomer's Corner is at the very center of it. The lemonade, the hand dipped ice cream, the quaint shops plus the beautiful scenery...Whether you're an Auburn fan or not it's a neat place. 

The news that the trees would probably die saddened me on so many levels. 

It saddens me that there is someone out there unhappy enough with their own life to do something so moronic. Harvey Updyke or Al from Dadeville - whatever he wants to call himself must be one miserable guy. 

It also saddens me because some of my happiest memories occurred right there on that corner. 

In fact, its the sight of a whole lot of people's happiest memories. 

My Uncle Bill first kissed my Aunt Mary Lee steps away from that corner. 

My Mom has a great story about being hit on by a college guy when she was in junior high visiting her older sister just steps away from that corner. 

And there is a sweet little story about me and Billy on that corner. 

See the first time he told me...

Well, why don't I just go find the journal and I'll share it with you.

Found it!

So please excuse the melodrama of my 19 year old self as I transcribe the actual entry for you... 
Here is what it says:

February 17, 1998

Billy told me he loved me! And it couldn't have happened in a more romantic way! We went on a date tonight and it was so cold outside. We ended up parking at Toomer's Corner and strolling around the trees. He suggested going to the Lathe. I said 'okay' but when we got there he just sat there. I could tell he really wanted to say something and I started to get worried. It was so pretty out. The wind was barely blowing and the stars were so beautiful. He kept getting this strange look on his face and I kept asking him what he was thinking. He just kept saying "you are so beautiful." And then I just knew he was going to tell me he loved me. We sat there on that park bench forever. I kept saying "shouldn't we be going?" and he would say "lets just wait a few more minutes." He just couldn't say it. Then I felt like it was that scene in My Best Friend's Wedding where she wants to tell him but they come out from under the bridge and she knows she has missed her chance - except that it was Billy missing his chance! I finally was so cold that I told him to take me home. When we walked under the trees at Toomer's Corner I thought 'this would have been the perfect spot!' As soon as I got back home I put my pjs on and got straight in bed. All of a sudden I heard him storm into our apartment! He came in my room and knelt down by the bed and grabbed my hands and said "Paula, I love you." The words came out of his mouth like it would kill him if he didn't say them. I thought my heart was likely to burst! I told him I loved him too. It was a perfect end to an evening. He just left a few minutes ago and I'm so happy!

Awww....we were so cute.

Here are a couple closing shots of our most recent trip to Toomers:

The minions - you can barely see the Toomer's Drugs sign on the left hand side of the picture.

The Magnolia street sign in the back ground:

Poor Billy. 

Henry was no respecter of his personal space that night. 

Or any other night really.

iPhone pics - excuse the blurriness

My niece - loving the Toomers experience.

Me and Jamie and a funny sign in the background.

"Chuck Norris wears Cam Newton PJ's"

So, thanks Auburn and thanks Toomer's Corner for being a great backdrop to our love story and to furthering our families memories.

I can't imagine my love story without Auburn.

In a lot of ways, Auburn is my love story.

War Eagle.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. What a lovely story, Paula. And while I'm no Auburn fan (go dawgs!), my heart grieves for the loss of such historic trees and for the sadness you all surely feel so deeply.

  2. Great post! Made me tear up a bit!

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