The Vancouver Riot picture...

The Art Department at Auburn University used to be located in the basement of a building near Toomer's Corner.

You could walk by the building and look down into the basement windows and see one of the big art studios full of paint and clay and canvases and what not.

Something rather...surreal...happened one night when I was in college there. 

I was reminded of it yesterday when I saw one of the pictures out of the Vancouver riots this week.

Yes, that picture.

If you haven't seen it here is an edited version of it:

Don't yell at me for editing it. 

See, I have these nephews that I'm constantly yelling at for not ever looking at my blog...

And they are almost teenagers...

And I'm pretty sure that the original picture is not almost teenager friendly.

And in the remote possibility that they actually look at it I figure cropping it just a bit would be a good idea.

Not to rabbit trail here but if this isn't a good example of a copyright violation I don't know what is.

I took someone else's picture and then edited it and then put it on my blog for my own personal use.


Blogger of the year right here.


Back to the art department and the picture.

So, one night back in college my future husband and I were walking past the art building late at night when we glanced down into the basement window and saw...

Well, we basically saw that picture happening...

The kissing and the laying and the what not...

In the studio.

I guess the couple had either:

A) Forgotten there were windows


B) Thought it was too late for anyone to walk by

Either way it was a very um...strange...moment.

One of those: 


Don't Look!

Just one more look!


Seriously...this picture!

The riots and the police and the colors and the kiss.

It's all just...


 And Samuel Taylor Coleridge...

 And the summer.

I like it.

I like it a lot.

And I know all kinds of terrible things are probably going to come out about how the picture was staged
and how the couple kicks puppies for fun but for now let me just enjoy it.

I'd love to sit and wax poetic some more about it but I think at this point the best thing for me to do would probably be to go brush up on my copyright laws.

And avoid any phone calls from Canadian photographers.

And possibly drive down to Auburn and look in basement windows.

Because, you know, maybe someone left a copyright law book lying around.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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