A Midday Requisition...

Last Thursday we made a little trip to the flower shop. 

We wandered through all the buckets of flowers...


...talked about how beautiful they all were.

Aren't flowers just the best?


God could have just stuck us with grass and that would have been it.

But no, He gave us flowers.

Everything in the flower store was just beautif...


What is this???

It's a topiary squirrel!

This could be the best thing I've ever seen.

It could also be the worst thing I've ever seen.

And what is this?

More topiaries!

A butterfly.


A snail.

Despite the topiaries best efforts we still hadn't found all the right things we needed.

We needed that most elegant of flowers:

The snowball.

I think it's some type of hydrangea.

Sadly, the florist didn't have them.

It was then that we turned to the criminal arts. 


My Mom's friend Susan remembered a batch of snowballs at a local park...

I think you know where I'm going with this...

We slowly pulled up...


And quickly exited the car and clipped some snowballs!

I think the Mountain Dew bottle as watering can is what really gives our dive into the dark side a real touch of class.

Because really, only the most discerning of thieves uses a Mountain Dew bottle to er...



The evidence:

The Verdict:

"I say you're guilty!"
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Many years ago we lived near a patch of woods of unknown ownership. In the spring I would hear the rumble of our wheelbarrow as my wife would head out on foraging expeditions. I averted my gaze as I did not want to be a witness to rampant plantnapping.

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