The 'Garten' Party...

So we threw a litte 'garten' party Friday night. No, I'm not spelling it wrong. It was a Garten party as in:

 Ina Garten.

She is a chef on the Food Network for those of you that don't know her. We, being me, my Mom and my cousin Kathryn, decided to host the party. We used recipes of Ina's and even copied her flower arrangements.

How we procured the flower arrangements? Well...That's a blog for another time.

Anyway...the party: It was SO much fun!

Alas, Ina and Jeffrey (her husband) didn't come but we muddled thorough without them.

We decorated the house:

Notice the fancy pants place settings?

This is not to be confused with Tina Fey's book Bossy Pants.

No pants of any kind were harmed before, during or after this party. 

Ina's books were on display all over the house.

Ina - ya know, that's what I call her - like we're buds or something. 

And then the chicken:

Let's take a moment here...

How gross is raw meat?

And especially raw chicken!

This chicken was fanfreakingtastic when it was done but really!

I felt like we needed to sew little clothes for it. 

It just looked...obscene.

Whenever I see chicken like this I always expect it to stand up and start tap dancing.


More fancy tables:

The party was a big hit. 

Here are my cousin's Kathy and Connie:

As the night wore on the talk grew more animated. 

World crises were solved...

Relationship woes soothed over....

You know that kind of thing.

Stories were told. 


And tiredness...


Mission Accomplished.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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