So growing up at our house we liked to play board games.
My brothers played Battleship and Risk a lot.
And Stratego. We had the electronic version.
I never learned to play it but I loved to press on it and hear the sounds it would make.
I still love to play board games - especially games like Taboo.
If there is a game besides Taboo that I'm more inept at I haven't found it.
My brothers played Battleship and Risk a lot.
And Stratego. We had the electronic version.
I never learned to play it but I loved to press on it and hear the sounds it would make.
I still love to play board games - especially games like Taboo.
If there is a game besides Taboo that I'm more inept at I haven't found it.
I mean, I am fantastically bad at Taboo.
You know Taboo.
Its the game where one person tries to make their partner guess a word without saying certain words?
Its the game where one person tries to make their partner guess a word without saying certain words?
Its kinda like a cross between Catch Phrase and the $10,000 Pyramid.
Here I am playing it a few years ago:
What was I smiling at?
I was probably making whatever poor girl was my partner lose.
And, oh look, its a pile of my scrapbooks.
My poor friends.
If you come to my house I pretty much tackle you and make you look at scrapbooks.
Here are my cousins Amy and Laura Lee.
Right now they are trying to think up excuses as to why they shouldn't have to look at that scrapbook.
Poor cousins.
Look how happy I was!
Ha Ha! Willing victims!
So even though I'm really not that great at board games I love and I mean L-U-R-V-E to play them.
It started early:
I can't remember what this game was called.
Those pieces look like they would be fun to chew.
My love of board games never faded.
Here I am in high school playing Scrabble with my brother:
We look pretty intense for a game with only one word.
Here's another high school game:
I still wear that anorak.
That's probably a bad thing.
So two of our favorite games over the years were:
1) MTV's Remote Control:
We loved this game.
It came with these little clickers.
I loved those little clickers!
We actually still have this game at my Mom's house.
2) The Dark Tower
My brothers loved this game and I was strictly forbidden to go anywhere near it.
...little sisters being little sisters...
I played with it and probably contributed to its ultimate demise.
I couldn't help it.
The Tower rotated and made noises.
I was helpless in its grip.
Unfortunately its not still at my Mom's house because if it was we could get good money for it on Ebay.
Those were all inside games - I mean of course we played outside games too.
Ya know things like baseball, football and a favorite at my Grandmom's house:
You know this game right?
Its called: Fish the Basketball Out of the Pool with the Net.
It was huge in our day.
Good times...