The Kids Table...

So I was thinking about the kid's table today and remembering how much fun it used to be to get to sit at it.

Here's my cousin Kathy and my Grandma hanging out at the kid's table.

And here I am at the kids table with my cousins Rusty, Kathryn and Margaret. 

In this picture I'm about three seconds away from spilling that drink. 

I don't actually remember spilling it but judging by its proximity to the edge of the table and judging by the fact that it wasn't a meal if I didn't spill something I'm guessing it was just a matter of time. 

Here the four of us are some years later:

We turned out okay...

spilled drinks and all. 

I found a cute poem about those that inhabit the kid's table:

A Thousand Hairy Savages 
by Spike Milligan

A thousand hairy savages
sitting down to lunch
Gobble, Gobble, Glup, Glup 
Munch, Munch, Munch

I know my oldest certainly doesn't want to sit at the grown up table yet. 

How do I know this?

Oh, just judging from pictures that look like this:

He is about to karate chop that grown ups table. 

Dinner rolls around the world tremble at the thought...

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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