Why I hate the word bucket...

Please prepare yourself for the most convoluted blog ever. 

Are you prepared?


Now then, lets talk about my 'Things to Do Before I Die' list. 

I refuse to call it a 'bucket list.'

I don't care how cute the movie was I'm not using the word bucket. 

Its gross and you just can't be svelte and use the word bucket. 

Wait! Rabbit Trail...

Back when I dressed like this:

I had to take Vocab quizzes in our English classes. 

So one week we had the word 'limpid'. 

Now the definition can be "pale" but to help us learn the word this guy:

The one in the blue jacket...

Came up with saying the word 'bucket' after limpid to make us associate pail and then pale with limpid. 

Get it?

Sheesh, I warned you it would be a convoluted blog...

So all week long we went around school yelling:

'Limpid - pale - pail - bucket!' It was a good way to learn the definition. 

So the day of the vocab quiz rolls around and the teacher says the word "limpid" and at this point we are supposed to write the word and the definition. 

Well, blue jacket boy then accidentally says "bucket" and the teacher gave him a zero on the quiz. 

I call unfair! Even the grown up me calls unfair. 

I don't think he meant to say it - it was just an involuntary thing...

Like the time I accidentally sang "The Super Bowl Shuffle" and got kicked out of Brownies. 


Now back to my things to do before I die list:

Number 1: Swim in the Blue Grotto again

I know that things on your 'bucket list' - there, I said it - are supposed to be things you've never done but the experience was so incredible that I want it again. 

If you aren't familiar with the Blue Grotto its a sea cave off of the island of Capri. You aren't technically supposed to swim in it but sometimes they will let you.  

The experience was literally one of the most magnificent of my life. 

Here are a few pictures before we went into the cave in 1993:

The boats are wooden and manned by gentlemen with oars. 

Because the opening of the cave is so small you have to lay down as the boat goes in. 

See how happy my friends were?

You would be too if you were in Capri.

Here we are actually in the cave. 

The color of the water was just indescribable. 

We didn't know that we were going to get to swim but before we knew it the boat man was practically pushing us in saying "You're young...You remember!"

I do. 

Number two: Milk a cow.

My Dad always laughs at this one because he actually used to have to milk a cow and apparently its not as fun as it sounds. 

I don't know why I want to. 

I'm weird that way. 

Number three: Have my water break.

So I've been pregnant plenty but I've never gotten to experience my water breaking. 

I want that moment like you see on television where you bolt up in bed or some such. 

However, we are potentially done having minions. 

Hmmm...its a dilemma.

Number four: Have my Grandmom 'plait' my hair again.

My Grandmom used to braid my hair all the time. For some reason she always called it 'plaiting.' 

First she would use 'dippity doo' on it and then she would make it crazy tight. 

Those babies would stay in for days!

Here I am all plaited up. 

Here I am again all plaited up. 

Number five: Protest something

I'm gonna have to get a little less apathetic first. 

So...that's it. 

Just five little things. 

There are more but I'll save them for another day. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Girl - I live in Elora! My neighbors are cows. I can definitely arrange for you to milk one if you want. It would be great blog material!

  2. Love the new blog look! I am adding Capri to my dream list!

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