The Terribly True Story of Melanzanella

So...long time no see, huh? The terribly sad truth is that last week, Friday at 4 post meridian to be exact,  Melanzanella, my laptop, breathed her last. We coaxed, cajoled, prayed and pleaded but it was all to no avail. According to the experts at Mac Resource, she's simply done.

Because of this I haven't been able to blog this week and am really not sure when I'll be able to get back to my regularly scheduled programming of one blog a day. Billy has a beat up old laptop that I can occasionally use but none of MY pictures are on it. And, just between me and you, the pictures on Billy's laptop are really, really boring. I simply can't make his boring pictures funny.

In fact, let me just grab a few pics from his computer.

Eating healthy, yawn.

A whatever this is, yawn. 

Firetrucks, yawn.

Shoney's sign, unless a hot fudge cake comes with it, yawn. 

I'm in quandary here people. I mean, not a real quandary but a blogging quandary. So, please be patient with me as I finagle (Hmm...Did anyone else know finagle is a real word?) my way around trying to blog sans laptop. 

Heck, I haven't even looked at the blog this week. It's kinda like sending a kid to summer camp. The last thing you need to do when your kid is away at camp is sit around watching home movies of him - that will just make you miss him more. Having said that would you just go on and like AKA Jane Random's Facebook Page? Then I won't feel quite so guilty about allowing my laptop to be vomited on by a toddler thus setting off a chain reaction of trauma and corrosion that would ultimately destroy it. I've been pondering on my quandary (Apparently I really like that word) I went back and really looked at Billy's pictures and he has plenty in there I can use. Alright, then. Excuse time is over. 

See you tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And the...

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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