Pac-Man Ate the Bundtinis...

My Dad made several cake stands for Laura Lee's wedding.  

My friend Kristi, decorator extraordinaire, took petit fours and mini bundt cakes and placed them on top and around.

I can not tell you how delicious the petit fours and bundt cakes smelled. 

Just heavenly.

I was supposed to be in charge of pick up but when Billy heard that he immediately said: You aren't getting anywhere near anything like a wedding cake." It's not because he is a big jerk but because, ya know, me. 

Now that the cake stands have done their duties they've been farmed out to various cousins and friends. 

We took one home and stuck a pumpkin on top of it. 

That it, until it developed a wide crack and some wise guy did this:

Penciled in an eye to make it look like a Pac Man. 

And where did all the leftover bundtinis go? 

Pac Man ate them obviously.

Just another day at the office. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. My stand cracked too, wonder what we could have done to prevent it?? Ours is on the table with a pumpkin on top just like yours!

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