How the monkiness usually starts...

...I've been thinking lately about why I'm so clumsy. 

I had a bit of an epiphany today at my parent's house. 

It all started with a cough drop. 

See, I needed one. 

So, I went to the cabinet and started to get one when this happened:

The cough drops were too high. 


What to do...?

What to do...?

This might be the point where some people would seek out someone tall. 

Or seek out a ladder.

Or seek out the drop beside the bed stuck to the carpet. 


I sought a spoon. 

A big ole long one. 

And I proceeded to use the spoon to maneuver the glass jar closer to the edge and my fingertips.

Easy girl...



SO close...

I mean, at this point, there is a small voice in my head.

The voice is whispering.




Glass jar plus tile floor...

Glass jar plus unforgiving tile floor...

Blood and mayhem...

But right as I start to listen to this voice:


I safely maneuver the glass jar into my hand. 

See, maybe I'm not so clumsy after all.

So never mind about all that monkey talk. 

I'm just fine. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I love my cousin my funny funny cousin ~ seriously this has to be one of the best funniest blogs on the net

  2. I would assume this is Connie highjacking Aunt Alice's computer once again. Thanks for the kind words - you just haven't seen enough blogs!

  3. Post made me smile out loud. Is that possible? Smile out loud?! I guess that is a smile and a giggle. Cute way to store the cough drops, Paula! I am pumped to follow your blog. Awesome that we are doing LIFE together.

  4. I pumped too Leah! This should be a great study!

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