Oh, go on, you can Pin It.

You know that part in a wedding when the flower girl or ring bearer misbehaves and everyone in the audience thinks 'Awww...That's so cute!'

Me? Not so much. I'm not a big fan of preschoolers at weddings. And I promise it's not because I'm being mean or judgey. It's just...

Hmmm...Spellcheck disagrees with me on the word judgy. Well, Spellcheck. I'm leaving it in. What do you have to say about that?!

It's just because I don't want anything to take away from the bride. Of course, I don't want girls to be all Bridezillaish (Really, Spellcheck? Again?) I just want a girl to be able to participate in a sacred ceremony without the phrase: 'Mommy! Need to go poopy!' interrupting it.***

So, when my best friend, Laura Lee, told me she was getting married and asked if the littlest minion would be in the wedding I was honored. And a bit nervous. Because, ya know, Stella. And she's barely three. 

"How dare you suggest I would be anything but angelic.'

Well, the wedding was Saturday and was a smashing success. Besides a little snafu with Stella at the beginning she and all the others from the pre-k set did very well. 

Here Stella is obsessing over Laura Lee's bouquet. In her defense, it WAS amazing. 

It was a pin bouquet. Pins that were pinned on silk flowers to create a bouquet that will last a lifetime. 

And yes, you should totally pin it to Pinterest because it was amazing. 

Pin! Pin! Pin!

Sorry, I guess I just needed to say the word 'pin' a few more times.

It was incredibly beautiful. Even more so because many of the pins were special to her. Some of the pins were even earrings that she'd lost the backs to. 

Some were new that people close to her had purchased and some were in the family. 

The bouquet was just absolutely sparkly!

It was even prettier close up. As the evening wore on the pins would catch the light from the candles and it just looked amazing. 

She wanted to take it home:

Everyone wanted to show it off:

And now we all want to show this off:

Speaking of show offs:

Alright, maybe toddlers at weddings are okay. 

***True Story. You can google it. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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