
My Grandfather was ninety two when he died. Pretty old, huh? Now, I know you're thinking 'well, of course he died at ninety two - it's ninety two for Pete's sake!' But old age wasn't what killed him. Nope. He was trying to fix some sort of something on top of his RV (that he still drove) and fell off the ladder. The thought of hiring someone else to climb up on the ladder to fix the RV would never have occurred to him.

He was a tough, tough man. 

His birthday was on the fourth of July. When I think about celebrating his birthday I think about having fish fries at his little cabin in the woods. We would line up before him covered in chiggers and mosquito bites from head to toe and he would take kerosene and put it on our bites.

Kerosene! Like my cousin Margaret said today I'm not totally sure what the American Association of Pediatrics would say about that remedy but there ya go. 

Apparently, he wasn't the only one that thought it worked though because is you type 'kerosene' and 'chiggers' into google it gives you all sorts of advice about how it takes care of it. 

I mean...personally, I'm pretty sure that the only thing that takes care of a chigger bite is time but I did enjoy the way the kerosene smelled.

So, the fourth of July always reminds me of kerosene. What does it remind you of?

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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