Global Domination...

When you are planning total world domination...

It's best to start with the continent of Australia.

At least that's what I've been told.

Did you know it was invented by a French filmmaker in the fifties? 

Crazy, huh. 

The first thing you have to do is figure out who gets to go first. 

We Rock, Scissors, Papered it.

And then we just started rolling. 

Well, kind of...I mean 'just started rolling' isn't quite accurate. It took us thirty minutes to get through the directions and even them I'm not sure we played right. 

The game involves much strategizing. 

I'm a Monopoly girl myself but I can see why people like it. 

This kid loved it - especially when he won. His Napoleonic dreams of being a global conqueror came true. As usual, I lost. 

KID?! Who are you calling a kid? Really, Mom! I'm practically twelve!

True story. That's actually what he told me the other day: 'I'm practically 12.' 

He is actually nine.  

Heck, if we are using that mentality then I practically won. 

Yep, I practically won.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. My brother Aaron loved playing this. I never could get past the directions. You are a good mom for playing. Not sure I could bring myself to endure an entire game.

    1. Getting past the directions was a real accomplishment!

  2. Props to Paula and Billy for encouraging non-electric board games where the thinking is done by actual kids instead of computer chips. Not to mention it is an opportunity for actual family interaction. When I get around my granddaughter I myself am a whiz at "Pretty Pretty Princess". Stella is about old enough for that one and I would love to see Billy wearing his princess earring, bracelet and crown.

    1. Wow, that's an image to behold! I am so going to Target today. Billy definitely needs to earn his Princess attire.

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