One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six...

One thousand seven hundred and twenty six.

Miles, that is. 

That's how far it is from our driveway to Park City, Utah.

We've been thinking...

...moronically? Mistakenly? Majorly crazily?

...about driving to Utah over Spring Break. 

See, a couple years ago we drove to Colorado. 

It was actually pretty amazing. 

Well, I mean, sure. We had to strap the kids on the top. 

And rest stops had to be taken at seedy gas stations.

But hey!

No pain, no gain right?

Or learned about the Rails to Trails program.

And snow...

Wonderful, glorious, glad it's not in my state all winter, snow was at the end of the journey. 

Sure, this is what the back of the car looked like 24-7 but it could have been worse.

And we did find those crazy rock formations in Kansas.

So, what about it readers?

Should we drive to Utah?

Are more great adventures waiting for us?

Or should I be booking a flight as we speak?

I mean...

To me, Driving to Utah is no different than driving to Colorado. 

That is, until I did a little Math. 

My arch nemesis...math. 

The difference between where we drove and where we need to drive this year is:

Three Hundred and Ninety Six miles.


That's like from here to Destin, Florida. 

Which is a nice haul. 

It might be farther than I think.

Is it farther than I think?

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

"Whatever gets me out of school for the longest."


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AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Utah is gorgeous! That's where I went to college. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to road trip back there now that I'm on this side of the country, though, lol.

    1. I haven't been to Utah since I was 10 so I'm really excited to get the chance to go back!

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