Growing up a Kansas farm boy...

Well, no I didn't actually grow up a Kansas farm boy. 

But I do like that song by John Denver. 

It's called..


...let me sing it in my head real quick...

Darn it, I had to google it.


That's the name of it. 

We listened to a lot of John Denver on that drive. 

Kansas surprised me. It was a pretty impressive place. 

I bought a tee shirt at a rest stop there that says 'Kansas' on it and now when I wear it people come up to me and say "So, you're from Kansas."

And then follows an awkward discussion.

I really need to think of a better explanation for why I have a Kansas tee shirt than:

 "the baby threw up on me and I was out of clean clothes on a crazy long road trip."

So, here is why I like Kansas:

They have these crazy rock formations....

I have googled the heck out of them and can not find these particular ones that we went to. 

They were in the absolute middle of nowhere and we had to go down several dirt roads to get there.

They just popped up on the prairie.

It was weird as a duck.

But beautiful.

The kids had a blast wandering around them.


There's the prairie. 

Nothing for miles and miles.


Except for us.

Those brown things were some sort of mud nests that birds make.

It was insane.

Who knew Kansas was so mysterious?

Or that I was such a John Denver 'name that tune' failure.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Born just south of Colby, Kansas - was his mothers pride and joy! Love, love, love that song! Yes, and love was just the thing that he was raised on .....

  2. 1. Tell the questioner that you consider "Carry On Wayward Son" to be the seminal rock anthem of the last 35 years and then pity them for their cultural blindness.

    2. On one cross country USMC transfer we stopped for lunch in Kansas and my then 7 year old daughter said "Dad, is Kansas just one humungous crop?"

  3. Well, I do consider Carry on My Wayward Son to be the seminal rock anthem - or maybe Dust in the's either one big crop or one long interstate.

  4. Next time, come to Johnson County, we don't have interesting rock formations, but we have several nice Targets.

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