I'm Not Your Momma...


So, this is what I'm doing right now:

I'm a little late to the whole "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" party.*

The books are good, though. 

I'm not saying you should go out and buy them. I mean I wouldn't recommend them because the content is pretty dang disturbing. And it's pretty dang, um, 'adult.' 

So, don't read it. I mean, I am, but you shouldn't. 

It's a 'do as I say not as I do' sort of situation. 


The heroine is kinda like heroin to me. 

She is very captivating. 


There is something that annoys the business out of me about the books. 

The protagonist is a gentleman named Michael and he has a relationship with a lady named Erica Berger. 

The catch is that Berger is married - just not to Michael. 

And apparently that is fine with Berger's husband. 

Because, get this, their passion is such that it won't be denied. 

"His long term sexual passion was evidently so strong that it would be unreasonable to believe that mere convention could keep them apart."


"It was simply the soul's inability to rein itself in."

The soul's inability to rein itself in?

Are you kidding me?


Heres the deal: 

You know who really has trouble reining themselves in?

Freaking toddlers.

You know who else has trouble reining themselves in?

Serial killers.

I mean, if you want to carry on with a married woman that's your prerogative. 

I'm not your Momma.

Just don't pass it off as 'the soul's inability to rein itself in.'

Because, I'm pretty sure it's not 'the soul' that's unable to rein itself in at that point. 


Aren't I the opinionated one tonight?**

** My mom has opinions on me still wearing these pants.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. So maybe my comment on Facebook about sweatpants was untimely. I do detect that you are not in public though. :-)

  2. I did wear my sweat pants to Target tonight! Hahaha.

  3. I love that picture of Stella and am glad you found a way to work it back in to your blog. She is such a cutie pie!

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