The waxing...

The term 'getting waxed' has come to mean all kinds of things.

It's an idiom that mostly refers to getting beat at something...


...failing at something really, really badly.

Your big word for the day is idiom. 

It's an expression whose meaning is unusual or can vary from what it originally meant.

The boy 'hung his head' in sadness would be an example of an idiom.

And so far this blog would be an example of rambling.

Anyway...getting 'waxed' at something can be an idiom.

So with a title like "the waxing" where could I possibly be going?

Perhaps it's from my high school basketball career at Randolph?

Am I referring to our teams 1995 loss to Speake High School?

Final Score: 60 - 10

"Let's pretend that game never happened."

It's hard to fathom. 

How could we possibly lose 60 - 10?

Speake's star player had red hair and was fast as a...

...well fast as somethings that's fast. 

She was an amazing ball handler.

On a rabbit trail did you know Lucas Black, the actor, went to Speake?

Yep, born and raised in Decatur. 

Heck, he could have been there that night. 

I remember being so scared to go out on the court before the game because I knew we were going to get beat really soundly. 

Part of me wants to go back in time and slap that girl and tell her it's just a game. 

Another part of me wants to tell her she should have worked harder. 

Well, my loss to Speake isn't what I'm referring to.


Could it be that first Math test I took in the 7th grade?

Final Score:


A two!  Out of 50!

Darn you Mrs Chaffin!

My math skills really didn't get much better. 

"Hey! Let's stand here in the hallway and NOT study for Math. 


I'm not referring to that Math test. 

Am I referring to the terrible hair color I accidentally gave myself in college?

See, my hair is dark brown. 

Except for a short stint in college when I dyed it mahogany because of the Jackopierce song 'Vineyard.'

That one actually kinda worked. 

Later on for some reason I decided I wanted it to be black. 

I can assure you the actual color was MUCH WORSE than the pictures make it out to be. 

The background was black. 

That's why my hair blended in to it. 

Believe me. 

It was bad. 

Morticia Adams bad. 

My Mom took one look at it and flipped out. 

Sent me straight to the salon when I got home for the weekend. 

My hair was five different shades of color before it got back to normal. 

So, if I'm not talking about a basketball loss or a math test or a really bad hair color what am I talking about?

Um...I'm actually talking about...

A real wax job. 

What's up with my eyebrow????

Because that's a seriously bad wax job. 

And no it's not just the way I'm smiling. 

My eyebrow is actually like that now. 

One side is permanently surprised. 

On the upside I don't have to face that red headed girl in basketball ever again. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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