Uber Spiritual

A couple times a week we rustle the kids up and read the Bible with them. 

We'll sing a couple songs and try to get them to talk about whatever we read. 

 I kind of have this vision of the boys asking all these poignant questions about life and the Lord and the Bible. 

"Tell me more about propitiation"

Instead they ask questions like:

"Can I have some cheetoes?"


"Do you like Pokemon or Beyblade better?"


they make comments like:

"My knee itches"

So, ya know they are really uber spiritual. 

Speaking of spiritual I went to see the movie Courageous tonight. 

It's good stuff.

But let me just warn you - take a bunch of dang tissues. 


I'm not a cryer and I was getting a little weepy. 

It had some funny parts too though.

The funny parts were juxtaposed with the sad. 

Hey look!

It's your free big word of the day!


It means 'to place together for contrasting effects'

So there ya go. 

You know...

 Now that I have written this post I'm kind of getting the feeling that I've already blogged about this exact same thing before. 

Maybe even with these same pictures.


Oh, get over it. 

I promised you a blog everyday. 

I did NOT promise you a fun and original blog every day. 

Now...I'm going to go be all uber spiritual and go to bed. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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