Hello, Old Friend...

Hello, Old Friend...

Or should I say:

Hello, my old arch nemesis. 

Yes, readers it's that time of year again. 

Monopoly is at McDonald's.

It's been around since 1987. 

Kinda like my bangs.

I love McDonald's Monopoly.

I really don't know why because I never win anything. 

Which isn't too surprising, I guess.

Especially after I read the Wikipedia article on it.

At least that's what Wikipedia says and you know everything you read on the internet is true.


What's worse is that my kids think that we have an actual chance at winning the million dollars.

Or the beach vacation.

Or the other prizes.

They have already decided what they are going to do with their share. 

It's so sad!

Is their anything in the world sadder than hope?

It's just sad. 

And yet...

We play.

Someone has to win right?



Oh well, maybe next year.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Monopoly time at Mcdonalds!!! Thought I was the only one :)

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