Dang, Son...

The Break Up. 

No, not the cruddy Jennifer Anniston movie. 

I mean an actual break up. 

It's kind of the ultimate sad break up song. 

I read an article on her the day and in it she admitted that the song was based on an actual break up from her own life.

You know she kind of reminds me of Eminem.

They are both over-sharers. 


I listen to their lyrics and I just want to tell them to guard their hearts. 

I don't need to be privy to every piece of their souls. 

It brings to mind an old preacher joke. 

Let me tell it to you:

So one night a church is holding a revival....

Well, dang. 

Not naming names but a certain person that just so happens to be laying beside me doesn't think that joke is appropriate. 

"Just stop typing."


You just missed out on a funny joke. 

But the point of the joke is that there is such a thing as over-sharing!

Now what did this have to do with break ups?

Oh, yeah - Adele. 

It's almost hard to listen to her because she's so piercingly soulful. 

It kinda makes me want to stinkin' cry. 

It's just too honest. 

Speaking of honesty...


I think I'll save it until tomorrow. 

It's getting late and I'm trying to beat the special levels on Super Mario World.


I mean:

It's getting late and I should probably read a little Tolstoy before bed.

So, until tomorrow. 

That is unless listening to Adele has sent me into a some sort of cataclysmic stupor that prompts me to break up with my blog. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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