In Which I Commit Mail Fraud...

I love Words with Friends.

I mean...

I really love it. 

Is this a safe place for me?

The whole 'Words with Friends' thing...

For me, it should really be called 'Words with Strangers' because with the exception of my Mom and my cousin Christy it's pretty much just whoever I end up with when I hit the 'Pick a Random Opponent' button. 

For the last few weeks I've been playing with the same person. 

We noticed that we were playing at completely different times of the day so the inevitable 'where are you' from question came up. 

When I found out she was from England I got all excited because, come on, it's England.

I told her about a couple trips I'd taken to England and I sent her my blog about England because if there's one thing I'm good at it's pimping my blog. 

She complained about our cruddy television exports. 

The next thing I knew she had copied the first six episodes and said she was sending them to me 'in the post.'

In the Post...isn't that great?! 

It reminds me of that sign going around Pinterest that says:

 "If I had a British accent I'd never shut up."

So, of course it's probably totally illegal to copy the series and send it to me but...

I've never been so happy about copyright infringements and mail fraud.

The package came in last night. 

It was Par Avion y'all!

Packages that come from overseas are so fun. 

They kinda make me feel like I'm writing to my sweetheart who is off fighting in the Second World War.

Maybe I have one of those 40's hairdo's and a pencil skirt! 

Maybe we're going to dance at the USO!

Maybe I'm going to have to wear a bandanna and, rivets...on to airplanes.

I'm potentially taking that too far.



Let's just ignore that shall we...

Their mail is 'royal!'

Seriously, England!

I heart it. 

She also sent Jelly Babies for the kids.

And apparently the "Keep Calm and" craze is big there too. 

Except there it makes sense because of the whole actual queen thing. 

I'd write more about England, and Downton Abbey and Words with Friends but I've got some DVD watching to do. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Not without me, you better not!!!!!

  2. I've never made a friend with online scrabble. I just get the angry 12 year olds that cuss me out because they got beat by a writer. No, little Johnny, being a writer isn't 'cheating.' It's just good strategy, mmk?

  3. Ya know it's funny because I always assume I'm playing someone super famous and I'm sure 9.9 times out of ten it is 'little Johnny'

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