Dear England...

Dear England, 

Thanks for Harry Potter, Sean Bean, Downton Abbey, and Harrods.


I have a question. 

Really, it's more of a bone to pick than a question.

It has to do with an invasion that is currently underway at our house.

It has to do with...

The Boobahs. 

In 2003 the Boobah's were introduced to English children on television.

Eventually PBS picked the show up and brought it to America.

For some reason we bought this stuffed animal that year. 

I suspect it was due to this character:

He was four at the time. 

The Boobah's were eventually cancelled but the stuffed animal stayed behind hidden in a closet. 



For this child to find it:

If you haven't ever seen an episode of the train wreck that is the Boobah's I'd encourage you to YouTube it. 

The Boobah's....

People, it's just bad. 

Bad, I tell you!

I mean so bad it's mesmerizing.

I suspect pixie dust has been sprayed into the television and shoots out every time the show comes on rendering the watcher helpless in it's clutches.

Yep, pixie dust.



I mean really?

What were you thinking?

You have some explaining to do.

"Why would you talk about the Boobah's like that?"

"I just love those Boobah's."
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. She loves her Boobah! Yea for England!

  2. That was way scarier than the Teletubbies that I had to endure with my youngest. Must admit, I would walk in and out of the room to keep an I on the kids without having to watch.

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