Late Night at Fresh Market

I freaking love Target. 

I know that makes me a sellout but...there ya go. 

I'm a sellout. 

Tonight I took an after dinner excursion to Fresh Market. 

Fresh Market is the fancy pants grocery in our neighborhood. 

It's a chain that sells generally healthy food.

It's always really clean and pretty.

I freaking love it too. 

I don't love it as much as Target but it is pretty cool. 

Here is what's not cool about Fresh Market:

The cereal aisle. 

The dairy aisle is dreamy though. 

I don't know what Beurre d'Isigny is but I bet its quite tasty. 

As we walked out we saw something that was pronounced "the most awesomest thing ever" by the six year old:

This Transformers family on a minivan. 

He immediately stated that we had to get one. 

I gotta admit the girl transformer is pretty great. 

And now that the blog has fallen off into crazy town can I just ask y'all a question?

The Gyro Bowl.

Why has no one bought this for me yet?

It's the one thing that's 'as seen on TV' that I could totally go for. 

It's this bowl that holds snacks. 

Snacks like goldfish and crackers and the like. 

It *allegedly* is able to keep said snacks from spilling in case of the bowl being dropped or knocked or over. 

It's a mystery how this happens. 

I'm thinking miniature invisible elves. 

You could put Lucky Charms in that bowl and they wouldn't spill!

Just don't put Beurre d'Isigny in it. 

Because that would probably turn out to be Beurre de gross. 

And that wouldn't be very Fresh Market. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Did you know that Fresh Market is one of the ONLY national grocery chains that doesn't accept Food Stamps? I boycotted them and wrote letters to their CEO/management/Etc. No, I'm not on Food Stamps, it just seemed discriminatory, like they didn't want lower income types in their stores. They cited the "cost of installing EBT equipment" as the reason. Did you know that processing an EBT card is virtually no different than a Debit Card? (thus proving this a BOLD LIE.) Sorry, just good for thought! (Always fighting for injustice and the little man here!) Dusty

  2. You're right Dusty. That is ridiculous. There used to be a local grocery store in town that had two signs at the register. One said 'checks cashed with id' in English. The other said 'we do not cash checks' in Spanish. It always infuriated me when I would see it.

  3. We got the gryo bowls this weekend. I have to say I'm a fan of them!

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