Big Dog Phobia?

Today, dear readers, we need to ponder a very important question:

Is my cousin Rusty scared of big dogs?

The evidence can be found in these two pictures:

The first:

He has a slightly disgruntled...

Or is that terrified?

...look on his face.

I think it's terrified.

It must be terrified masquerading as disgruntled!

Yes! That's it. 

He is clearly terrified. 

And yet in this picture:

He is clearly happy. 

The dog is tiny and he is happy. 

So obviously it's the size of the dog!

Other tiny things that he likes:

These two characters.

And this one:


What have we learned today?

My cousin Rusty is scared of big dogs and is, in fact, a big chicken.

Everyone should make fun of him next time you see him!
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. i remember reading this blog and laughing but now, i'm also wondering what i had done to Mrs. Random?? I am also wondering how in the world I was that fat? I think you need to post some new pictures of me.


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