Instagram, I think I love you...

So I'm a little late to the Twitter party. 

Better late than never and all that stuff. 

One reason I like Twitter is Instagram. 

 Instagram is an app that lets you take photos and then immediately upload them to Twitter. 

The best part is it's really user friendly. 

The other best part is you can do all kinds of cool things instantly to your photos. 

So they make your photos look cool.

Even if what you are photographing isn't that cool. 

For instance:

Homework looks kinda retro cool when you put it in the "70's" filter. 

The 70's filter works well for this boy.

He has wanted tube socks for years. 

They are surprisingly hard to find. 

When I asked him why he wanted tube socks his answer was "to be like SpongeBob."

Oh well, every kid needs a dream right. 

You know what Instagram can't do?

Really make what you did cool.

For instance:

Even in this filter...its still my keys buried deep in the trash. 

Yep, in the trash at Chick-fil-a in the outdoor play area.

Go me. 

I'd like to blame throwing the keys in the trash on a child but it was all me.

After I got done digging one of the other women there said:

"Well, at least Chick-fil-a trash is fancier than McDonalds trash."


Who knew?

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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