Not a lot of stinkin' trouble...

So Tuesday nights we go to Bible Study.

Or we used to.

I mean, sometimes we go.

I mean, it used to be at our house and sometimes still is.

Sheesh...while all the questions?


I've blogged about Journey Group before.

Tonight we got together and assembled packages for Backpack Blessings.

It's a ministry of Mission Firefly. 

Mission Firefly does work in Guatemala. Installing water filters, buildings houses and the like.

Backpack Blessings provides paper bags filled with food to send home with under privileged kids on Fridays.

So, its a good cause and all that.

Due to an unforeseen trip to the dentist for one of my kids I didn't get to go buy all they stuff while the kids were at school.

Buying enough food for 30 kids for two days with 3 kids in tow was a bit of a...


But in the end:

We stuffed the car full and made it home. 

Cranky babies and all. 

Then we began the unloading:

Hold it from the bottom minion.

I was all proud of the kids for doing such a good job helping. 

I really thought:

"Oh, they are getting it! How kind they are becoming!"

It was at this point that the middle child said:

"Helping people is a lot of stinkin' trouble!"

'A lot of stinkin' trouble.'


And I don't mean he said it in a sweet way. 

It was more of a disgruntled 'when can I go watch Spongebob' way.

But he carried on and finally announced:

"Whew! We deserve a Dr Pepper!"

So we got everything lined up:

Ha, Ha. 

There is my foot.

And once everyone got there we got to assembling:

"Yeah! Assembling is fun!"

The second I snapped the picture Billy leaned back - hence the big ole back in the picture.

How about the "North Avenue Trade School" tee?

Georgia Tech peeps should appreciate it. 

Pastor Johnny getting in on the action.

Juggling in the background.

Oranges always make people want to juggle.

There was lots of juggling going on tonight.

In the end - success.

After everyone left came the 'After Journey Group' routine.

1) Get the kids in bed which means reading to them.

Here is the inscription on the latest library book the kids love:

So...thanks Johnsons for donating that book. 

Whoever they are they probably didn't think donating that book was a big deal. 

If they knew how great the kids thought it was they would realize it is a big deal. 

I mean, a big deal to us. 

2) Then you have to blow the candles out:

And then you can do what all people do after every gathering at their house.

3) Unhide the romance novels:


Everyone doesn't do that?


 I'm going against the flow!

Are you trying to peer pressure me into giving up romance novels?

Well I guess if everyone jumped off a bridge you'd think I should too?!


Only, if I packed a Backpack Blessing bag first.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Looks like yall had a blast. Hate that I missed it. Would have much rather watched juggling than study.

  2. Your middle minion's comment made me laugh out loud. Bless him. Yes, it is a lot of stinkin' trouble to help others but we do it anyway. :)

  3. Can't give up the romance....

  4. Stella's beet red face after crying makes me smile....there is nothing like it....

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