"Different" Customs...

So I had this teacher in high school who refused to let us use the word 'weird' in reference to other cultures.

It didn't matter how odd something seemed to us we were never allowed to say it was odd.

It was just different. 

Other cultures foods, ideas, religions - it didn't matter what. 

It was all just different.

To this day I find it nigh on impossible to call something weird.

 I actually am very grateful for that. 

Grateful until I see things like this:

What the ???

Hay bales dressed in lederhosen?

Thats weird.

I mean different. 

Ya know what else is 'different.'

People that feel the need to play outdoor sports in the winter. 

That is different. 

Have you heard of basketball?

You play it indoors. 

It's fun, too.

Moving along...

Also different:

Oversized furniture. 

Every time I see a chair you need a ladder to climb on I hear the voice of the chair saying:

"Ooohh, look at me! I'm an oversized chair!"

A couple more different things I've seen lately:

Lace Foot Bands.

What are they for?

Lace foot bands, 

I find you wei...different. 

And how about this:

The new ketchup packs at Chick-fil-a.

Wait! Rabbit Trail!

For some reason in high school I thought that the way you ordered chicken sandwiches at Chick-fil-a was by asking for a "chick fil lay uh chicken sandwich."

So I would go up to the counter and say:

"Hi. I'd like a chick fil lay uh chicken sandwich, please."

I have no idea why. 

But when I got to college I went through the drive through with my cousin Rusty and he asked what I wanted and I told him "I want a chick fil lay uh chicken sandwich."

If you know Rusty you are probably laughing at this point because the thing about him is he doesn't suffer fools lightly. 

He pretty much mercilessly made fun of me for weeks afterward. 

"What did you just call that chicken sandwich?"

Alright...back to things that are different. 

This next thing I think we can all agree on.

It goes way beyond past Differenttown and moves to on to Weirdville.



I have no idea where I come up with this stuff. 

I'm weird. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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