It’s the last day of October and that means there’s time for one last embarrassing moment in the #Write31Days project. Whew! I’m so glad it’s over. It was fun and I’ll definitely do it again next year but it’s not easy.
In 1997 Auburn beat Alabama at home and secured a spot at the SEC Championship game. This was the game that Billy laid a big fat kiss on me when time expired even though we’d been swearing to everyone that we were JUST FRIENDS. We’d been swearing it because it was the truth but I guess he just got caught up in the moment.
Here we are in the post game euphoria.
Tickets to the SEC Championship were being sold on a first come first serve basis and were going to be very limited for students. We decided to camp out for tickets. Ah, those lovely days before smart phones. I guess no one camps out for stuff anymore. That’s kind of sad.
Not content to camp out the normal day we decided to involve Yellow Dog in the process. What? I’ve never told you about Yellow Dog? Yellow Dog is the name of a sofa that belonged to Margaret and before her our friend Ben…I think. I’m not really sure where Yellow Dog came from. It got it’s name because it was yellow and smelled like a dog and lived outside.
Carrying a couch to an event didn’t seem like that strange of a thing to do in college. We rode out the all night in style and comfort on that couch! I had a huge exam the next morning and was planning on studying all night. Because studying outside in the cold surrounded by hundreds of college kids makes total sense, right? I mean, when I type that out I see how stupid that sounds but what are you going to do. College.
See the line in this pic from the AU Tigers archives? We were somewhere in it.
A reporter came around and Rusty and I got our names and picture in the paper FOR BEING AWESOME. So, yeah, I’m pretty famous. I’d love to show you the picture but I have no clue where it is. Well, I sort of have a clue but it involves a ladder and I’m just not willing to go there.
So, the totally foolproof plan was study all night, get tickets at 8:00 a.m., make it to class for 9:00 a.m. exam. The problem began when members of the opposite sex showed up. Flirting>Studying, dang it. Actually, I don’t even remember how I did on the exam so it must have been okay. I’d have remembered if I’d bombed it. What I do remember is it was one of the most fun nights in college.
Around 7:00 a.m. the lines turned into a complete mess. People broke the lines, students were everywhere, it was complete chaos. I waited as long as I could and then handed my student ID to Billy with instructions to buy me a ticket and set off for class. As I tried to get through the mob of people I lost my sense of direction (actually happens all the time – it’s why I could never win the Amazing Race ) and spotted a random school chair in the middle of the mob. I made my way over to it and then stood up on it to see where the heck I was. I spotted Billy and called out to him, and just as I he saw me I got jostled and FELL OUT OF THE CHAIR.
When you fall off of a chair you are standing on amongst hundreds of people you should definitely make sure to yell really loudly beforehand so everyone is already looking at you and can see the fall in all it’s glory.
No, YOU fell out of a chair with hundreds of college students watching! Oh wait, no, it was me. I’d tell you I only fell because I’d been up all night but, come on, you know I’m just clumsy.
Before I got too stepped on someone helped me up and I made it to my exam in time. After the exam I trudged home, opened the fridge for a glass of OJ, and stood at the kitchen counter and thought about studying again. Suddenly Billy BURST into my apartment, marched into the kitchen and dropped down to his knees and began pleading with me saying ‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry you fell! I’m sorry I didn’t come to your rescue! I didn’t want to lose my place in line.’
I wasn’t even mad. He got the tickets and we had a great time in the ATL for the game. That boy even kissed me again the night before we left for Atlanta. And with that kiss we had to give up on the whole ‘just wanting to be friends’ thing. Friends can’t be smooching each other.