On This My 600th Post

On This My 600th Post

Wow! That title sounds pretty fancy pants doesn't it? Especially for someone that promises a daily blog and has recently been utterly failing at that promise. Y'all know I'm not a slacker! Laundry not withstanding. It's all Melanzanella's, my laptop's, fault. Her failure and betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow.

"Who else here is sick of listening to her whine about her self created laptop issues?"

Me too, sweetie. 

I think it's only right that we talk about Montana on this my six hundredth post. After all, Montana is the reason this blog started in the first place! Or I guess I should say, it's where there the blog started in the first place. 

So, let's talk about the crazy that is Mammoth Hot Springs in Montana.

 In case you've never heard of it, it's a collection of, well, hot springs that travel down a hill in Yellowstone National Park.

The minerals and heat that travel throughout the springs have created layers upon layers of calcium carbonate that creates these crazy landscapes.

Or something like that. 

Here's your little science lesson for the day:

Let's see here, the chemical formula for Calcium Carbonate is...er...let me just pull up ye olde memory from high school chemistry. Well, calcium is Ca. and carbon is Co and if you add an ate to it...Oh, where's Mrs Van Bebber when you need her because I can't remember and my laptop won't let me google anymore.

Forget it. You didn't need a Science lesson anyway. Y'all can thank me later. 

Mammoth Hot Springs is full of places with names like The River Styx and Devil's Thumb. It's easy to see why.

It's a very strange place.

It looks like something out of Clash of the Titans.

It began to snow while we were there. So strange. Fog, snow, steam, bubbling calderas...

I have no clue what a caldera is. 

I mean, really! 

This place is insane. 

The color of this pool was amazing. I wanted to jump in and dive down to the bottom because I'm pretty sure it leads to an alternate universe with princesses and fairies and castles.

I'm also pretty sure it leads to imminent death so I decided to just stay on the walkway. 

These colors...

 Just a wild, wild place. 

Like a lot of Montana. And like a lot of my six hundred posts!
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. My favorite part of Yellowstone!!! Keep up the good work!!

  2. My favorite part of Yellowstone!!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. My favorite part of Yellowstone is probably the town of West Yellowstone but Mammoth Springs was great!

  3. Funnily enough, Mammoth Hot Springs is where I grew up. I've been following you for about a year and it's nice that you did your anniversary blog on my hometown.

    1. Please do not get all braggy on my blog. Who gets to grow up in Montana?! You are banned!
      ; )

      Thanks for the follow! I'm obsessed with the 406 as my husband calls it. If I wasn't such a baby about flying I'd be there more.

    2. It's hard not to get braggy! I hope you get plenty of time to enjoy it. It's a beautiful place.

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