The Sea Was Angry That Day My Friends...

Okay, so the sea isn't actually angry with me. I just felt like quoting Seinfeld to start out the blog tonight.

It's actually my laptop that's mad at me. Dear Melanzanella!

Yes, yes...My laptop is named Melanzanella. Anyway, I broke the charger for it and now it is ever so out of battery.

It's troublesome because I have the virus from the depths of the mythical river Styx right now and am in no fit shape to head to the Apple store to buy a charger.

Being sick got me to thinking...

Ya know when you are watching TV shows on and they ask you to pick what kind of ad you prefer? Oh you know, it will say something like:

To view ads featuring the Chevy Volt press A

To view ads featuring the Chevy Equinox press B

Well, here's the deal:

When I'm sick I just need them to have something that says:

To view ads without food press A

I'd be all about pressing some A!

No one wants to see food ads when they are sick.

And there is this:

That's something else no one wants to see when they are sick - or see actually ever. The toddler ate, ATE, a tube of my lipstick today.

To see ads that don't result in toddlers ingesting lipstick press A.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Ah, nostalgia....when my youngest was about Stella's age or a little younger we took her to a gathering at a friend's house and put her to sleep on the bed in their master bedroom where other guests had left their...purses. Upon checking in with delightful little girl we discovered a similar sight - to include the bedspread of course and all her clothes.

  2. Hi Paula. I never thought of giving my laptop a name. My daughter Milly ate a tube of lipstick a few days back - I wonder what it tastes like?

    1. There must be a lipstick eating epidemic going around! Or at least an epidemic of people leaving lipstick where little ones can find them! I can't imagine that it would taste good but who knows!

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