So, Here's What Happened...

Good gracious, people. It is crazy talk around here. The whole 'chicken with it's head cut off' is what we are starting to resemble. 

Ooooh! Ooooh! Rabbit Trail. When I was a little girl I had an aunt named Therse. Except, I thought her name was 'Thirsty.'  And it was odd because every time I saw her it was the summer and I was actually thirsty. The irony was not lost on my six year old mind. Oooh! And onnce I went to visit her and got flogged by her chickens! True story. What the heck did that have to do with anything? Oh, yeah! Chickens. 

Move it, woman. I'm trying to take beautiful pictures here. 

Well, I think we've sold it. And of course we are thrilled about that but here's how it went down. 

Buyers: We'd like to buy your house and we'd like you to be out in seven days. 

Us: Er...Come again?

Buyers: So, do we have a deal?

Us: Sold. 

Billy: Quick, to the bat phone! 

The bat phone being my Mom. 

I also roped my friend Kristi and my cousin Kathryn into the madness. 

As I was tossing things into boxes abandoning my plan of culling and cutting and being minimalistic I tried to just keep my eyes on the prize:

The prize being our lonely lot that is just waiting for us to build on it. And yes, I know that Jesus is actually what I should be keeping my eyes on. 

So, Jesus and the lot. And I should watch out for chickens. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Aunt Therse! Do you also remember her Husband Uncle Ellard? I hope my memory serves me right. He was the one with the wooden leg who got the biggest kick (pun intended) out of scaring the beejeezus out of the kids with it. Congrats on selling the house anyway. 7 days? Wow it is a buyer's market.

  2. You you sold your house! Great news! Where are you building?

  3. @Cousin Eddie: My Uncle Bungo had a glass eye which he would pop out at the demented request of the little boy nephews so we could terrify the little girl nieces with it.

    1. Of course someone named Uncle Bungo had a glass eye. Classic.

  4. And if you know the joke that this comment brings immediately to mind you will be officially the coolest blogger known to man (or woman).

    1. Oh, man. If its a test that involves coolness you know I'm going to lose. I'm sorry to say I don't get the reference.

  5. Oh my!!!! 7 days and 3 kiddos!!! Congrats on your future house!!!!

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