Alright, here's the deal: You pay $25 and you get to tour six different kitchens around town. The money all goes to charity so in one fell swoop your desire to help a worthy cause and your desire to be totally snoopy can be gratified.
I tried to write 'your voyeuristic desire can be gratified' but gave up after my fifth failed attempt at spelling voyeuristic.
I tried to write 'your voyeuristic desire can be gratified' but gave up after my fifth failed attempt at spelling voyeuristic.
The houses had nice refreshment stands set up.
I'm a sucker for a pretty cooler. My Mom is a sucker for gardenias which they had in a bowl next to the cooler.
Sweet Thang Cookies had provided refreshments at one of the houses. They were delish.
Stop number two for us was one of our favorite kitchens. It had incredibly tall ceilings and cabinets. I remarked to my Mom that the cabinets looked pretty but weren't very functional because of the height.
That's when we noticed that the owner had installed a ladder system.
A ladder system!
And then I was won over because it made me think of the library scene in Beauty and the Beast. Holy Moly, do I love that scene. It's stinking romantic.
Oooh! Fairies are romantic too!
One of the owners had this in her garden off the kitchen. Swank, huh.
House number six on our stop was the home of Tasia Malakasis. She is the owner of Belle Chèvre Creamery. Hence the goats in this picture that me and my friend Kristi are checking out.
This was one of those awkward 'should we pose or not pose' pictures. We opted for not - that might have been a mistake. Because now I'm thinking we just look like posers.
We loved her porch.
I could eat this hanging sofa!
How comfy does that look?!
Mom and I tried it out. We also tried several of the Belle Chèvre Fig Goat Cheese samples. And by several I mean every time the host turned her head I scarfed some up.
We were feeling squirelly. House number four threw us off our game. It was a very expensive house in a fancy neighborhood and had a very particular finish on the cabinets. It was really beautiful. We asked the volunteer if the cabinets were hard to clean and she said something to the effect of:
"People like this don't have to worry about things like that."
So...maybe I took it out on the goat cheese.
All I know is that the kitchen tour is super fun. You should do it! And the money goes to a great cause.
Just don't try to make conversation with the snooty volunteers.