The Worst CASA Story Ever...

I first became familiar with CASA here in Huntsville when I was in high school. We were looking for volunteer projects to do and they had plenty to offer. In case you aren't familiar with CASA it stands for ...Um...Care And Special...uh..Cuz we need And Sweets...Oh alright, then. Let's get to googling.


It stands for 'Care Assurance System for the Aging.' Bottom line: They help old people that need help. It's a great organization. They build wheelchair ramps, winterize homes, have a community garden...all kinds of good stuff. Tomorrow I'll talk about their annual Kitchen Tour. 

So, back in the day our Interact Club at Randolph, my school, agreed to spend a couple days building a sweet old blind lady a wheelchair ramp.

And that's where the story goes horribly wrong.

We showed up one blustery November day with tools and Dads in tow. While the measuring was taking place she asked if we could come inside and help her with a few things. Because she was blind the housekeeping had gotten away from her a bit but she was quick to tell us that her son was a very hard worker and always helped out as much as he could. In fact, she talked about her son all the time. According to her he was a dang paragon of manliness and virtue. The main thing she wanted us to do was move some heavy boxes. They were her son's fishing magazines and he just couldn't stand to get rid of them but they were making it hard for her to maneuver, what with the whole blind thing and all. So we got to it, happy to help this sweet old lady.

I reached down to pick up the first box, which didn't have a top, and there in the top of the box was not a fishing magazine but a dad gum 'adult' magazine! As in a Playboy! Although just between you and me I don't think it's that 'adult' to read them. It's for boys that happen to shave, not men. So, of course the first thing I did was check to see if that was what all the boxes were full of and..yep, every single box.

So, this prince of a son was cluttering up his sweet Mom's house with these rags and telling her that they were about fishing! That poor blind woman. Of course we didn't say anything but really! What kind of person does that? To his poor blind Mamma! What if she had people over? Unconscionable.

What about it people? Would the right thing to do have been to tell the old lady that her son was housing a small adult library in her hallway? I dunno.

Either way we didn't tell her and I've wondered about it ever sense.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I bet she already knew. You always want to think the best of your own spawn. There was nothing to be gained by putting the woman in a position of having to defend her son or to deflate her opinion of him - either outcome would have embarrassed her.

    You did the right thing.

    1. Good call. I appreciate anything that agrees with a choice I made.

  2. "Dang it Momma, what'd you do with my Field and Stream?"

    1. Yes, I'm sure that's how the conversation went down.

  3. He was just reading them for the articles!

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