Back Flip Rules...

Several years ago the bridge at Ryan's Creek Marina on Smith Lake received quite the makeover by a local group of ruffians. The entire bridge got painted. And I mean REALLY PAINTED.

It actually may not have been ruffians as the graffiti shows a graphic depiction of the last battle from the book of Revelation. Well, sort of.

What it actually shows are angels and demons and some sort of crazy dragon with some Bible verses thrown in there. I mean...the demons are dressed as Ninjas but what can you do?

And time consuming. It must have taken a boat load of time to do it. 

Weird as a duck. Also weird as a duck is the fact that several of the Ninja Angels...

...file Ninja Angels under 'phrases I never thought I'd use'... 

...are carrying a banner that says 'BACKFLIP RULES.'

And kids...

When I googled 'backflip rules'  this is what I got:

A video of a dude doing a freaking backflip off the Big Bridge. 

The video has the word S%IT in it so don't watch it around your kids. Sorry!

Kids...Don't try this at home. Ever. 

Also on the Big Bridge is this epic homage to love:

Well, it would be an epic homage to love if I knew how to work a dang camera. It says 'Kurt and Kathy.' Wouldn't you like to know the backstory? Was it date night and they just felt like breaking out the spray paint? Are they still together? I've googled my little heart out and I got nothin.

Can you help a girl out? Do you know who painted the Big Bridge? Who are Kurt and Kathy? Is BackFlip still participating in this foolishness?

"Enough of this! Let's boat!"
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. When I was a teen someone climbed onto the Upriver Dam on the Spokane River and painted the words "Firm Spitfire" in large letters. i was entranced. I would ride my bike there and sit for an hour wondering what was meant and what possible meanings were there - and this was before the now-obvious meaning meant anything to me. I still think about that and wonder who wrote it and why.

    1. People should be required to explain their motives! ; )

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