Hand Margaret a Coke...

Time Warp Trail. 

If you don't feel like clicking on the link The Time Warp Trail is just an activity we do at Cousin's Camp where the kids follow a trail that leads them through a 'time warp.' On the trail they meet people dressed up as ancestors and others from the past. Native Americans, Great Grandparents, crazy Aunts and colorful locals are all the usual suspects on the trail.

This year I wasn't sure who I wanted to be but I knew I wanted to hand out drinks. It was a million degrees on Sunday at camp and the kids were positively wilted. 

I decided that bottled cokes would be fun to pass out.

Why do bottled cokes taste so much better than regular cokes? Admit it, they do!

Since Coke was invented in the late 1800's I looked up what else was invented then and found Corn Flakes. 

So, Coke and Corn Flakes it was. 

Here she is a couple years ago playing the part of my Grandmom.
She is in charge of setting up the route and telling us all where to be. It also involves a fair amount of arm twisting and a big dose of creativity as you have to help people figure out who they want to be and how they want to dress. She's good at it. 

I mean...

Just between you and me she was kinda bossy as a kid so it all makes sense.
Here we are as toddlers. She's the one in the green:

"Here! Take the flower. TAKE THE FLOWER!"

I was pretty bossy myself. 

It's nice to help Margaret out and entertain the kids and all but the real reason to do Time Warp Trail is this:

Fifteen minutes of pure, uninterrupted bliss as you wait for kids to come.

You just sit in your rocker, read your book, drink your icy cold coke and feel sorry for the poor schmoes that don't realize what a sweet gig participating in the trail is!

Her mean dad only let her have a few sips of the coke. 

As the kids arrived I told them my story:

The year was 1895 and I was excited because I had just come from town and had tried two new things called Coca Cola and Corn Flakes. 

Now whether or not Coke and Corn Flakes had made it to Crane Hill, Alabama in 1895 is very questionable but you know kids...they'll believe any old thing. 

Also, it was actually frosted flakes. I didn't want to waste money on corn flakes when frosted flakes are just so much better.

I then gave them their cokes. You would have thought I was handing out tickets to Six Flags.

Such was their delight at drinking bottled cokes.

Notice the red faces?

And the sweat?

I told you it was blistery hot. 

Yes, cokes are bad and sugar and Tony Horton and all that but...

Come on. It was pretty cute. 

I mean, obviously bribing children is bad. But, those kids loved my trail stop!

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I've never heard of a "cousins' camp" before but when I look at these posts I can only imagine the incredible memories you all are creating for the kids - and the adults.

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