Fire the writers!


Last night I found myself watching the most boring television show ever. 

It was about this girl that was taking a slow stroll through a neighborhood. 

That was it! 

She was just walking through a neighborhood...What a ridiculous premise for a show.

Finally I audibly said:

"They should fire these writers!"

At that point I woke up. 

I woke up and realized that I was the writer I needed to fire.

Yep, I was the writer they needed to fire.

What a waste of a dream. 

Why would I dream about that?

 And how could it have been so vivid that I actually thought I was watching a TV show.

I suppose I should be thankful that I dream.

In my defense I've been thinking about what goes into writing a TV show a lot lately. 

The nine year old is super bummed that Terra Nova may be canceled. 

I read him an article off of an entertainment website that said it was the writers fault. 

So, now he is all mad at the writers.

"Why would the writers do this to me?"

So, I've been working pretty hard this afternoon on trying to get switched over to Wordpress.

That was one of my New Year's Resolutions. 

I'd love to work more on it but the house is a mess and I have twelve...

Yes, you read that right....

....boys coming to my house tomorrow night to spend the night. 

So...if I don't get busy I'm going to get fired. 

Kinda like the writers of that cruddy dream last night. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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