Gripes Be Gone, Indeed!

This semester in Bible Study we are reading Linda Dillow's book:

What's it Like to Be Married to Me?

One of the components of the study is a purple bracelet that has the words:


imprinted on it. 

Here's the deal:

You are supposed to wear the bracelet and switch it to the other wrist anytime you feel the urge to complain about your husband or nag at your husband.

Switching it every time you have any sort of negative thought about him...Whew!

Needless to say, there have been lots of stories of bracelets getting quite the workout.

Thank goodness I lost the bracelet early in the week because that would have been a real pain to do! 

Aww...I'm just kidding. 

I mean, I did lose the bracelet but I did try to mentally follow the system even though the bracelet was missing. 

However, this morning as I was wandering around the house I looked down and saw the dang bracelet attached to my foot. 

I have no clue how it got there.

Seriously, it's a mystery.

I just looked down and there it was!

I put it on my wrist and then a little while later noticed it was gone again.

Alright...let me just admit something here. 

Something really gross.

I chew it.

Come on! Cut me some slack!

It's really spongy and chewy and I have issues. 

Anyway, a couple hours later this thing came wandering up. 

And look what was around her ankle.

Gripes be gone, indeed.

But now order is restored and it's back on my right wrist. 

I mean my left. 

Now it's on my right again.


I'm a work in progress, okay?
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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