In Which, Jane Random Has a Birthday...

Well, well, well...

It looks like somebody had a birthday today.

On this day in 2010 I started blogging. 

I waited three days before I told anyone, including my husband, that I had started blogging. 

I got over my blogging shyness quickly and I now take any opportunity I can to try to get people to read my blog. 

I don't know why...

It's clearly a sickness.

When people first started reading it I was all:

"Wow, people are reading my blog!"

and then it quickly turned into

"Oh, crud. People are reading my blog!"

The pressure was on to be witty and original.

Yeah, that usually doesn't go so well.

My original intent was to make this blog a travel blog. 

I thought that each month I would highlight a different destination and blog about it. 

After a few weeks I realized that wasn't a sustainable idea in the long term.

I would run out of pictures way too quickly.

Plus, I noticed that on the days that I just blogged about the moronic things that happen to me in my day to day life I got way more hits than when I blogged about travel. 

So, I decided that the blog would just have to become a daily record of my monkiness - with a little travel thrown in now and then.

The other thing I wanted was for the blog to be a daily thing. 

Most people don't have time to blog everyday. 

I actually do. 

Not so shockingly it doesn't take very long to write this inaneness every day. 

Sadly though there are 365 days in a year and according to my stats counter I've only blogged 344 times.

So, clearly I missed twenty one days of blogging. 


Is that right?

That can't be right.

Grabbing calculator...


It is right. 

That sounds like a lot to miss. 


A week of that was after April 27th. 

I live in Alabama and no one was in the mood to read or write blogs after the tornados. 

A week of that was during a trip to Disney World.

I was too dang tired too blog. 

Where did the other seven days come from?

I got strep throat once and was down for a couple days.

And then I guess the other four days I was just too stinking lazy to blog. 

I blogged about the latest Patrick Rothfuss book and then pimped it out on his blog and he then mentioned it. 

I'm just going to write that sentence again:

Check please. We're done here.

Since then the Rothfuss post has gotten 10,996 hits.

Crazy, huh. 

I mean crazy for me.

The big hits thing though...

It really has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Patrick Rothfuss. 

The blog wasn't that funny but he is so popular that people visit it because he mentioned it.


Happy Birthday to my blog.

Thanks for reading it. 

Seriously, thanks. 

I'm continuously amazed that anyone reads it.

And thanks to Mrs Hooper and Mrs Thomas for teaching me how to write. 

I'm sorry I didn't pay more attention when we studied grammar....

Because, can I just say, that has really come back to bite me in the booty. 

Oooh! Oooh!

And thanks to my Mom for buying me lots of books.

Dang Paula, it's just a 'thanks for reading my blog for the past year' post  - it's not an Oscar acceptance speech...

So, 344 posts...

Here's to many more.


Just don't call me a mommy blogger or this a mommy blog. It gets on my last nerve. It trivializes the amount of work that goes into this hobby o' mine. Plus, the only person I want calling me Mommy are my minions.

The dang pediatrician used to do that. He'd walk in and say "And how are we doing today, Mommy?" And the way he said it! It was in this really condescending voice. I mean, how much trouble is it to look at the stinking chart and read my name?

It made me want to say: I have a name and it's not 'mommy' to you ya' overeducated moron. Of course what I actually said was "Fine, thanks. How are you?

Sheesh, I need to stop writing. Looks like someone is a little cranky on her birthday...

Oh, well. Happy Birthday to me anyway!

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Thanks for making many of my days so much funnier at just the right moment. Over half of the things you do sounds just like me.

  2. Happy belated birthday paulas blog. . . Many more to come.

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