Well played Mr Rothfuss. Well played.

Darn you Patrick Rothfuss.

Darn you!


I unexpectedly had 4 hours free this afternoon. 

The oldest went home with a friend, the middle child was watching tv...

 Hey, it's Friday. 

Don't judge me.

...and the youngest was taking a long nap. 

Which was a good thing because I had a lot of house work to do. 

I mean, seriously, a lot. 

But then...

This happened:

I decided to sit down and read Rothfuss' new book for a couple minutes. 

Yep...it was just gonna be a couple minutes. 

A couple minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into two and...

Oh, you know where I'm going. 

So the toddler wakes up and I just could not put the book down. 

It was like it was glued to my fingers. 

Glued, I tell you!

So while I couldn't put it down Stella...

...well, she had her way with the house. 

When I finally looked up from my book these things had happened:

Thing, the first:

She had taken all the kleenex out of the box.


She had knocked a picture cattywampus on the wall. 


She had found the leftover cookie dough and was partaking. 

Yeah...I made cookies. 

Again, don't judge me. 


She had broken the ear off of Peter Rabbit's Mamma. 


She had repeatedly dipped her mermaid into the toilet. 

Yes, it was clean. 



She had broken...


...a very expensive plate. 

On a happy note she had somehow found these two things:

My 1989 copy of the Nintendo game Toobin' 


a mix tape my best friend from high school made me. 

Here we are in high school:

We obviously weren't listening to that mix wearing those clothes. 

Neither of us can quite remember why we were dressed like that. 

Its a mystery. 

I'm rabbit trailing. 


It was all Patrick Rothfuss' fault that my daughter did those things. 

Well played Mr Rothfuss. 

Well played. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Nice! Glad to see a real person give a glowing review. I do believe he is next on my reading list

  2. The book is realy great!!!
    All who read this:
    Go read the Wise Man's Fear!
    (and if your at it, read The Name Of The Wind first, but then you really have to have a lot of free time...)
    I had as much trouble putting it down(But I don't have a little kid to watch out for, so no disaster happened....)

  3. LMAO! Dropping by after seeing your comment/link at Pat Rothfuss' blog, btw. I have yet to read Wise Man's Fear - still waiting on the library copy [no worries, I plan to buy the whole series once it's all out]. Posts like these just continue to fuel the fire of antici....pation!

  4. OK, that made me laugh. My parenting definitely gets a little more distracted when I'm into a good book. Partly because of realtime attention deficit and partly because I stay up too late reading and am then zonked and unable to be QUITE as consistent, you know, setting those boundaries, as I might otherwise be. Thanks for sharing. I too came over from PR's blog and devoted a large chunk of my life to WMF.
    Little My (mom to 3)

  5. a friend sent me a link to this as a cautionary tale, since i have a) a young'un, and b) a shiny new copy of "wise man's fear." i shall consider myself duly warned. ;)

  6. The book is insanely good. I'm not finished yet because I'm trying so hard to make it last as LONG as possible. Only allowing myself to read it in tiny increments. I liked Name of the Wind but this book kicks NOTW's booty.

  7. Posts like this make me cherish my reading time, since I only have 4 legged "children" to worry about, and I don't feel guilty about beating them if they tear things up while I am deep in a book. Also, I'm going to have to come back now, because anyone who has the discernment to have TWO Jackopierce songs on a mix tape is obviously someone I need to keep up with!

  8. Oh, I quite agree with you, on the whole impossible to put down part.

    This is the first book ever that I have had the feeling of loosing a cherished friend when I finished with the book... and so I had to start again on "The name of the wind" :D

    Now the long wait for the next book. Four years maybe? As mr. rothfuss is unable to do anything halfheartedly.

    Oh... and btw; I found this blog from a link on Patrick's own blog.


  9. Wow. I can't believe he mentioned my blog. It's one thing to pimp out my blog on his website like I did back in March but to have HIM mention it? Dang. The pressure is on now to be funny.

  10. Great book. Great blog. Better check the inside of the mixtape to be sure you didn't "stash" anything in there years back.

  11. I'm going to forward this to my wife as she seems to think that this only happens to men in general, and me in particular, when reading the fine works of Mr. Rothfuss. Although she does enjoy his books as well.

  12. Big Ugly,

    Oh, I assure women can be just as irresponsible as men when it comes to this type thing. I think we are better at hiding it - unless we blog about it.

  13. So I popped over curiously from P. Rothfuss's blog, and found myself chuckling. Congratulations, you got me in trouble with the librarians.

  14. I just came across your blog through P.R. blog... HAHAHAHA this is hilarious! My hubby got me hooked to him and I am actually in the middle of WMF right now. LOVE IT so far! Thanks for posting this, loved it!

  15. stuff like that ALWAYS happens to me when I'm reading! my two year old usually gets herself a cup of water and starts playing tea party in the living room - and EVERYTHING is soaked afterwards because she insists on pouring the water into her tiny doll cups...
    WMF gripped me, too! I'm going to check the rest of your blog now, if I can judge correctly by latting your kid watch TV and making cookies, you're a woman after my own heart! :-)


  16. Vee, You taught your two year old to play tea party with water? That's totally something I SHOULD be doing. : )

  17. Too funny! And coincidentally, I *may* have let my three year old watch a lot of DVD's while reading some Patrick Rothfuss myself. Good thing he's only got two books out, or the house would be totally destroyed.

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