Like a lot of parents...
Wait...Can we just go on and agree that alot should be a word? It just seems weird to have to write 'a lot' when I'm really not talking about a 'lot' of things. drives me a litte batty when my kids act unappreciative about things.
Vacations can be tough in that way too.
I mean, you spend the entire year making sure they hear the word 'no' enough to turn them into responsible citizens and then all the sudden you are on vacation and they are hearing 'yes' left and right and acting like cretins.
They definitely can struggle with being unappreciative about things on vacation.
This was apparent one of the nights we went to Epcot. The Food and Wine Festival was going on so around every corner there was a new and delicious smell coming at you.
Not everyone thought they were delicious smells.
For example:
He thought the cheese soup from Canada smelled like 'the worst ever.'
He couldn't believe anything that involved cheese could smell so bad.
I can't believe his face can look so weird...
According to him the cheese soup smelled like his 'brother's socks. .'
He couldn't understand why I would want to eat it.
Holding his nose didn't help him to avoid the smell.
The cheese soup...
It was delicious.
Crazy delicious.
Unappreciative Little Punk!