My friend Liz... really good at this whole wife thing.
I realized this when I walked in her house the other day and saw these signs on the window:
Go Miami and all that.
See, Liz was out of town and she had left a box for her family to open for each day she was gone.
The gift she left for Saturday was signs that she had made for game day.
Her husband is a Miami fan.
Isn't that cute?
"Quit blogging about me. I'm busy taking pictures."
Ya know what I sent Billy a couple days ago?
This picture:
With the accompanying message:
"Why did you send me to the stinkin' grocery for berries if they were just going to be be out!"
It's really my gentle and loving spirit that he appreciates the most.
I should probably quit blogging and go work on that.
Jane in Love
paula, you are sweet : ) i'm always trying to redeem myself from my "shouldn't we just choose another team to root for that might win this year???" comments... they never go over well... ; )