The movie The Lion King came out in June of 1994.
I went to see it on opening night with my boyfriend.
I've blogged about him before:
And other places but you people never check the links anyway.
That was when opening night meant something because the theaters were always packed for the big movies.
Now they show the big movies on five different screens every half hour (or so it seems) so even for big movies the theatre is rarely full.
It's just more of an event when the theatre is packed.
Enough ranting.
So, we went to the theatre and saw it and without being too incredibly cheesy it was...
I dunno...
I remember feeling all breathy and emotional when they sang "Can You Feel The Love Tonight."
What can I say?
It was June and I was 17.
It was just one of those 'all is right with the world' nights.
When I heard it was being re-released in 3D I decided I wanted to go see it in the theaters again.
This time the experience was a little different:
My date in 1994:
My dates in 2011:
My reaction to the love scene in 1994:
Gushy hand holding
My dates reaction to the love scene in 2011:
"Oh, brother! Why do they have to show this!"
What I did after the movie in 1994:
Made it home in time for curfew then ordered a pizza from Papa John's and ate it.
What I did after the movie in 2011:
Went home and paid the babysitter and wished I could order a pizza from Papa John's.
So, ya know it's all relative.
But, I could still feel the love for the movie.
Jane in Love
My memory of The Lion King is Dalton Watching it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER Again.. he would laugh at the funny parts the same way every time.. We went to disney world around that time and I had the bright idea to buy him a cassette player and the lion kind tape We heard and sang Hakoona Matata (SP) probably over 100 times and that's just on the way down. Dalton Really Loved that movie.. I need to take Dalton and Brodie to see it before it's gone