Just waiting...

I spent some time this morning sitting outside of our city courthouse.

We live in Huntsville, Alabama.

See, certain people forgot their briefcase. 


Certain wives had to deliver them.



Hello, briefcase.

Hello, feet. 

I love our city but our courthouse is seriously ugly. 

Heinous, even. 

It's just an eye sore. 


Hmm...is it eye sore or eyesore?

Either way our courthouse is one. 

What's not an eyesore is the square that surrounds the courthouse. 

There's the old First National Bank building. 

Our church meets there now. 

The ugly courthouse I can forgive the city for. 

This, though I can't forgive them for:

The statue honoring the Confederate dead. 


Nothing anyone could say could convince me this has any place around our courthouse square. 

It's just embarrassing. 

Get your act together Huntsville.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Considering that Huntsville was taken over by the Union very early in the war and that they almost sided with the Union, it would make more sense to put the memorial in the cemetery and make another one for the Union side.

  2. That's a great idea Brigiete - the cemetery would be a good place for it. We don't have monuments for any of the other wars so why that one?

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