Choose a Species To Be Eliminated...

I saw this in a magazine awhile back and thought I'd share it with you:

It's an article on sharks.

Or as the author calls them: Demon Fish

So, according to Juliet Eilperin sharks are less deadly than toasters, chair-related accidents, elephant attacks and the flu.


And riding in a car is more dangerous than flying. 

I still don't like to fly.


In my mind there is one shark every five feet or so in the ocean.

Yes, you read that correctly.

One shark every five feet.

And they are just waiting to feast on anyone who goes in!

All this leads me to think about which animal I wish just didn't exist.

Let's go through a little exercise shall we?

We'll call it:

Choose a Species to be Eliminated

Here is how we play:

You tell me the name of the species you wish didn't exist. 

I know, I know...I understand the complexity of the food chain and how each creature is important, and the circle of life, PETA, and 'hooray for animals' and all that. 

This is just a 'which species do you wish had never been created' kinda thing.


Let's hear it?




The ball is in your court.

Hopefully it's a court that doesn't have any snakes or stinging bugs on it.

Oooh! Oooh!

Hopefully it's also a court that doesn't have any toasters, elephants, rickety chairs or viruses on it either.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. "Yellow Jackets" said the recent sting-ee.

  2. Spiders. . I think they r evil. . I think they r alien beings that God allowed to live on earth to punish me

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