Several years ago in Colorado we took a horse drawn sleigh ride.
It was most excellent.
And most expensive.
Lets just selectively forget that part of it.
We piled 16 people into the sleigh.
We all sat as close as we could to generate a little body heat.
It was freezing!
Our driver was friendly and talkative.
During the ride we passed a goat pen and he told us quite the funny story about the pen.
Pay attention, it's good.
Here goes:
There's a hard and fast rule around the property that:
You absolutely can't forget to shut the goat pen.
All the employees know it and the owner goes ballistic if anyone forgets. Apparently goats can be quite destructive if they get out of their pens. Well, one late Spring morning the driver pulls on to the property and sees a BEAR in the goat pen absolutely going crazy. Blood everywhere, the gate to the pen completely off it's hinges and goats dead and dying in the pen. Probably a bit like that part in Jurassic Park. Thank goodness when the bear sees the truck it lopes off into the woods. A couple hours pass and the guys get the mess mostly cleaned up and just set the gate next to the pen. The owner pulls in and sees the gate to the pen open and comes stomping in to the office yelling:
"Whoever left that goat gate open can pick up their check because they're fired! Who did it? Who left the gate open?"
One of the employees piped up:
"That would be the bear. I wouldn't recommend having him come in to collect his check."
We sang a few songs and had to listen to some bad knock knock jokes told by the girl in the pink.
It started snowing half way through the trip.
Alabama kids are very appreciative of Colorado snow.
They just don't understand why we can't have it here.
The snow didn't flurry, pepper, or gently come down that day.
It poured.
My poor kids hate to leave the Colorado snow when it's time to go home.
You can hide but I'll find you.
No kids are getting left in Colorado on our watch.
Especially now that I know about the bears.