In Attendance...

Friday afternoon I loaded up the car with some girls and headed...

Hmmm...Which way is Florence from Huntsville?

...west to a ladies retreat. 

At least, I think it was west. 

Let's just call it westish. 

I had a little trouble before I left:

It's never a good sign when the trip starts out with a big ole rip in the jeans.

I'd love to say it happened in some fun way but I just tore it on my car door as I was getting in. 

The retreat was great though!


There were a few things on the retreat I needed to avoid.

Things like...


Hello, babies.

Please stay away from me. 

I have baby fever and your little cheeks do nothing to help that fever go away.

As long as I avoided looking at the babies for prolonged periods of time it was fine.

But then they would make these little cries...

And they were such cute little cries!


We had forty women come which I think is a great turn out for a church of our size.

In attendance: 

Kristin and Ashley. 

Kristin has mad chocolate dipped pretzel making skills.

Amy and Erin.

Amy has a baby named Keegan. 

Erin just took the Bar. 

Do not get her started on the Casey Anthony case.

Actually, do because it's really interesting.

Other attendees.

Hey, ladies.

Hey more ladies!

Hey even more ladies.

And then there was this:

Dang it, Kleenex!

Who invited you?

It's never a good sign when you walk in a room and see lots of Kleenex boxes sitting around.

I abhor crying. 

I mean, I don't mind at all when other people do it, I just don't want to. 

It's the stuffy nose that comes with it that I hate the most. 

Good thing I had old faithful with me:

Yep, that little yellow wad of greatness is none other than Silly Putty.

It's the world's greatest distraction.

Some other characters showed up that were not invited.

Like this guy:

It's a walking stick. 

Scientific Name: Walking Stickitus.

I tried to catch him but he was surprisingly fast.

Kinda like my hands were working that silly putty. 

You're no match for me Kleenex!
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. You only have three kids, not nine or something :-) just have another one. {Grin}

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