

Don't tell my husband...

Or my Mom...

And especially my Mother-in-law...

But today in the nursery at church I suffered from an acute wave of...

Baby Fever.*

I blame it on the children in the nursery.

They lead me to it.

They get distracted by colorful toys. 

And they have these appendages:

That kind of make me...


"Don't blame your craziness on me."

None of the children are any help at all. 

This one?

He says "yeyow" instead of yellow. 

It's stinkin' cute.

This one?

She named this lamb "Scenery."

Scenery, I tell you!

Scenery then got stuffed in this basketball goal but it was still rather adorable.

And this book was cracking them up. 


Even thought there is really nothing funny about fuzzy yellow ducklings. 

I'm sorry but I can't be expected to work when these type things are sitting around:

It's just too much to for a church nursery worker to bear.

*Baby Fever is not to be confused with Bieber Fever.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Aw! I feel so special that Keegan made it on your blog :) Those sweet children would be a distraction for me as well!

  2. uh-oh...we'll be expecting news soon! I make it a point to steer clear of those kinds of places personally.

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